Senate Bill 125 Funding Program

In July 2023, the State of California passed Senate Bill 125 (SB 125), which serves as a trailer bill to the State’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2023/24 budget. SB 125 creates approximately $5.1 billion statewide, of new one-time source funding to help address transit providers’ operating and capital needs. The funding is distributed through two programs, the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) and the Zero Emission Transit Capital Program (ZETCP), over a two-year and four-year period, respectively. As the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) for Siskiyou County, SCLTC is administratively responsible for distributing SB 125 program funds to agencies that are eligible to receive TIRCP and ZETCP funding for projects that meet strict criteria established by the SB 125 program’s final guidelines released on September 30, 2023. SCLTC has been allocated $ 5,676,994 of combined TIRCP and ZETCP funding over the next four fiscal years to administer.

Per the SB 125 funding program guidelines, SCLTC must make publicly available a summary of monthly ridership data for Siskiyou Transit and General Express (STAGE), consistent with the data submitted to the Federal Transit Administration’s National Transit Database system, starting with data from July 1, 2022, through at least June 30, 2028. A ridership summary report that meets this statutory requirement is in the supporting documents section below.


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